A kind Singaporean man is calling for donations to help a Vietnamese baby girl named Hoai. The poor baby suffers from a condition called Hydrocephalus. It happens when there is too much pressure in the skull, causing an accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid in the brain. 

As a result, baby Hoai has an oversized head that is too heavy for her body to handle. Her body is twisted and spine is curved. Her skull is also swollen. 

She is currently warded in Gleneagles Hospital where she has to undergo many major surgeries and treatments. They are definitely too much for a small baby to take. The baby's parents have paid more than $200,000 for her medical fees but are sill $80,000 short. 

For those who are willing to lend a helping hand, "[i]t's very important that she continue her treatment and get the swelling in the skull down so that she can recover... Please help by making a donation directly to her account at Gleneagles Hospital through this link and entering her name, Hoai Thuong".

Poor child. Let's hope she gets well soon.

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