A female accountant by the name of Huang Huiling, 48, was sentenced to seven months of jail time on 21 Aug 2018 (Tuesday). Huang rejected taking a breathalyzer test and made a huge scene which lasted for about a hour, during which she verbally abused a police officer.

The incident occurred at about 3am on 9 April 2016 at the multi-storey carpark of Block 510A Jelapang Road. A police sergeant went to investigate what was suspected to be a case of drink-driving involving Huang after residents complained of a commotion from the carpark. Huang was uncooperative and thus the sergeant called for backup. Two colleagues, including a female sergeant came along. The female sergeant tried to administer the breathalyzer test to Huang. However, Huang refused to cooperate, reportedly claiming that she had no experience in oral sex and did not know how to 'blow'.

Huang continued her tirade and began verbally abusing the female sergeant, telling the sergeant that she is 'worse than a prostitute'. Huang also allegedly spat at the senior officer's face while entering the police car. 

Huang currently faces 21 charges, including those under the Protection from Harassment Act and Road Traffic Act. She pleaded not guilty to seven of these charges. Huang also plans to appeal against her conviction. She claimed that a break-up with her boyfriend had caused her to drown her sorrows in alcohol, hence resulting in the incident.

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