In the past week we've seen activists getting targeted by the media just for talking to foreigners. Now, we have a NUS boy getting a probation for molesting girls. This boy even admitted that it was not his first time molesting someone.

Terence Siow Kai Yuan admitted that he was unable to recall the number of times he had committed such acts. He has also committed similar acts since he was enrolled in NUS in 2016.

Siow felt the urge to touch the lady when he saw her on the train. he touched her twice on the thighs and once on the genitals after alighting from the train. 

Judge Kaur called the intrusion 'minor'. Siow, two years from graduating from NUS claims that he wants to change and has seeked help regarding his urges. Judge Kaur noted his grades and the recommendation for probation and ended up giving him the probation along with 150 hours of community service, and his parents were bonded for $5,000 to ensure his good behaviour.

So much for this:

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Probation just because he had potential to excel in life? And how do you judge his potential to excel??? By his grades? What kind of backward nation are we living in. If I were an employer, I would not care about how good your grades are if you had such offences in the past. I am not going to put my female employees at risk by hiring someone like that. 

Something more has to be done. We have had enough. 

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