Is it a joke when the Singapore Government tells you that they accept criticisms and alternative opinions? Activist Roy Ngerng went on a written rant on his Facebook for the number of alternative news sites and personalities that have been "attacked" over the past few months. 

He was frustrated that the authorities can silence them so readily. A few, such as The Online Citizen, The Independent Singapore and Leong Sze Hian face defamation charges while States Times Review and Singapore Herald had its viewership geo-blocked. 

He said: "There are other individuals who have been harassed by the Singapore government who have not made public their harassment... This is the first time since Singapore's independence that the Singapore government has launched a large-scale attack on the media and journalists from Singapore."

Whatever happened to accepting criticisms or embracing different opinions? Look at what's left of our alternative voices, is this how they control every single facet of our lives?

"Is this the Singapore that you want? Is this the kind of government you want to represent you? A government which bullies others who are powerless? A government which would protect itself at any cost, while attacking powerless individuals?

You know in your heart that many of these individuals do not deserve what they are going through, that they are people who have been speaking up on our behalf...

As a citizen of Singapore, you have to exercise your right to your country and protect it. 

If there is something you should get angry about, this is it."

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