A family was so impressed by a staff from Singapore General Hospital (SGH) that they wrote to SGH to commend her. And why wouldn't they?

Their elderly father had lost the strength in his legs, resulting in him getting stranded on an overhead bridge at Chinatown.

While a few concerned people tried to assist, only the said staff, Mdm Isvari N Veloo, had the expertise and knowledge to determine the best course of action.

With Md Isvari's guidance, and the help of several passers-by, they managed to get their father off the bridge. The father was eventually sent home safely.

The whole ordeal took about 3hrs.

We see so many cases of netizens raging against the poor treatment they received at the hands of healthcare workers.

Mdm Isvari is a different breed. She is the embodiment of a healthcare worker with not only the skills, but also the heart and EQ. 

Thnk you Mdm Isvari. For SGH's sake, we hope there are more out there like you.

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