Minister of Cyber Security, S. Iswaran was delivering his Ministerial Statement for the aftermath of the 2018 SingHealth cyberattack which resulted in 1.5 million patients getting their personal details stolen. Iswaran acknowledged that the identity of the hacker was known and that appropriate actions has already been taken. But for national security reasons, he does not comment any further.

Meanwhile many Singaporeans are questioning if the attacker is really known and if any action has really been taken. Iswaran claims that it is not in the Nation's interest to reveal the hacker. But is it really not in our interest to find out who hacked and got our details? Is it not in our own interest to know where our own personal information has gone to? 

Since the attack has been revealed, all the state media has been emphasizing on was how PM Lee was one of those who hacked. Honestly, who cares if his details got hacked? There are so many people out there who were victims too. Are our lives not as important as his? We are all Singaporeans, all humans here. We have our own loved ones to take care of. It definitely is in my own interest to know the details of this incident. Especially when I am a victim myself.

Credits: Facebook


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