F1 was held over last weekend. The fast cars and huge names that came for concerts brought in a lot of attendees for the event. The government probably approved the event, closing multiple roads just to put Singapore on the map

However, is it really worth it? So what if we are known for having a formula 1 night race? We were once a fishing village which nobody knew about. We were still able to survive and become successful. So why then is our government approving such a high key event which probably only attracts foreigners to come? Maybe those people in their ivory towers are too blinded by their greed and money. They just want to show off how luxurious their lives are.

But this is not true for the commoners in Singapore. Those who are struggling to make ends meet. I am sure most of these people would want the roads to be open to them for them to get to work easily rather than take a detour. We do not want or need to show off. We just want to make ends meet. As for our government, they continue to spend millions of dollars to show off instead of using the same amount of money in helping the poor and needy in THEIR OWN COUNTRY.

Ridiculous isn't it?

We also just had our first #SGCLIMATERALLY in Singapore on Saturday. People of all ages were there to advocate for action against climate change. People were there to talk about how we can reduce our carbon footprint and stop climate change. It's only getting hotter in Singapore. And with the current haze, things are not getting any better. But here we see a tweet by our very own DJ Joakim Gomez:

Plastic cups, straws, bottles strewn all over the ground. Obviously, the F1 night race is not helping. And obviously, our government doesn't care.

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