Everyone will by now know how 'gracious' new SMRT CEO Neo Kian Hong is in giving up his car to ride with in the MRT, to experience what everyone else did. All the Media reported it as such. In fact, he even moved house just to be closer to the ground!

But buried under all these PR stunt is the fact that Neo actually had already given up his car when he was the Defence Ministry permanent secretery, because he was given his own chauffered ride. So, why the need for a car, right? And now, as SMRT CEO, surelyhe does not have to take the train unless for some PR stunt. Confirm he will have been given his own transport to get to places to. After all, do you expect him to take the train when he has to eat luch with Khaw Boon Wan?

And moving house? He is understood to be renting an apartment in Bishan, about 10 mins walk from Bishan MRT. So, no need to take train to work at Bishan, right? And moving house is probably temporary, thisis just a rented apartment. His Ivory Tower is still secured somewhere in an high SES estate in Singapore.

So, all this are for wayang purposes. Never be fooled.

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