A friendy football match on Sunday ended up anything but friendly, as a 19 second video showed the aftermath of the match. One player was shown lying on the ground shocked, with blood streaming down his face, while further down, players from both teams were seen involved in a shoving and shouting match, with at least one guy caught on camera spoiling for a fight.

Reports indicated that the game was held at East Spring Secondary School in Tampines on Sunday, with both teams made up of Singaporeans, Singapore PR and Chinese nationals. The referee of the match was reported to have said that the fracas broke out 5 minutes from the end, when one player executed a flying kick to an opponent. Police were called in to a case of voluntarily causing hurt, with two men, a 34 year old and a 39 year old taken to CGH conscious.

Police said that investigations are ongoing, but no arrests have been made yet. From a day of football friendly fun, to a brawl, with two taken to hospitals and arrests yet to be made. What a day

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