Ever harboured hopes of becoming a professional footballer in Singapore. Want to be the next Fandi Ahmad or Aleksandar Duric? Well, forget about it. At least, this is what the authorities are telling you.

Before you can even think of embarking on a professional career, go and serve you NS first when you turn 18. At an age where footballers learn and develop the most, you are told to forgo the training, as defending the country when you are in your teens is more important. If you dare go against the ruling, they will accuse you of thinking of your interest, and possibly renouncing your citizenship. Right, Ben?

And if you finish your NS, no more chance of professional football in Europe, there is always the joke league that they call the Singapore Premier League to fall back into. The league where locals cannot make it, and a foreign Japanese team who are all Under 23 (yes, they no need to serve their NS one), have been champions and simply unbeatable for the past three years.

So, want to be a professional footballer in Singapore? 

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