Many things have changed over the years. Many of us used to love living in Singapore. But not anymore. A netizen penned down the thoughts on the matter:

"I remember years ago when our whole family will celebrate National day together and watch the parade together. My sisters and I would fight over who would hang up the flag that year. We were happy. Things were simple. We trusted the government that they would give their best in building this nation. I was happy at the prospect that my future children will grow up here

Now, as I look out of my block, I don't see flags. I don't see families wearing matching clothes with our national colors on them. What I see is Singaporeans lamenting over the hike in bills, our CPF monies and that one person who says people will be mediocre for earning below a certain amount. 

As each national day go by, things get worse. Singaporeans are losing their pride for the country. I still love the nation but I can't help feeing like my passion and pride for the country is slowly draining as well. Will the change of a government make things better? Who knows? It's worth a shot. But will it ever happen? One can only hope.

With love,
A nation loving mother of two"

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