At the sidelines of the ASEAN-Republic of Korea Summit (ROK) in Busan, Lee Hsien Loong (LHL) shared that the government was working a Budget for 2020. 

He described Budget 2020 as something that will be "strong, and suitable to what the economy needs", against the backdrop of a potential economic recession arising from the US-China, Japan-ROK tensions, as well as the fluid state of Brexit.

Supporters of the PAP government, have, rather prematurely, welcomed the anouncement. 

Others are not so enamoured.

Some segments of Singaporeans are disappointed that the next General Election (GE) is not likely to take place before the end of the year. Some others were disappointed that they have to wait longer for their opportunity to vote the PAP out.

Others have also expressed their reservations, suggesting that Budget 2020 could be used by the PAP as a means to incentivise Singaporeans to vote for the PAP. 

This concern, while understandable, misses the point. 

The point is, like our counterparts in Malaysia and Hong Kong, Singaporeans are now ready and primed for change.

Singaporeans have also become more politically savvy.

Our votes and our allegiance can't be bought with drumsticks or even whole chickens. No matter how strong the Budget 2020 will be, Singaporeans, will decide for ourselves, the future that we want for our country based on how they PAP has treated us since the last elections. 

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