A man was shocked when he found cement bags and papers being used as wall fillings in the wall of the cargo lift landing at an industrial block in Ubi. The man, Mr Benedict Francis, went to block 3016 at Ubi Road 1 to run an errand there, when he saw the the wall filings.

The building was undergoing replacement works for the cargo lifts, and the fillers were left exposed due to the works done. JTC, who owns the building, said that the paper fillings did not affect the structural safety of the building, but also conceded that such practices are not accepted. The company also added that an investigation into the issue is ongoing, and should errant behaviour be found, necessary actions will be taken.

The building was built in the 1980s, and is meant for light industrial use. BCA have also investigated the incident, and indicated that the building structure is not affected, but would like to remind all builders and contractors to use appropriate construction materials as fillers.

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