So the Ministry of Education (MOE) announced some good news - more students passed their N' level exams this year compared to last year. So for the vast majority of you, you can finally breathe a sigh of relief. After that, there's more thinking to do about your future.

About 76.9% of N(A) students did very well and are able to move on to doing your 'O' levels in Secondary 5 next year. The conventional route is to stay and complete your 'O' levels so that you'll have a chance at junior colleges and after that, the universities. This is the route that we Singaporeans have fixated on for many years.

The 'O's and 'A's mattered very much in the past because options were limited and academic performance was one of few ways to differentiate people.

It is no longer the case now. There are so many other ways of attaining success. Academic results matters, but not to extent that it defines your whole life. If you qualify, you can choose to go for the Direct-Entry Scheme to Polytechnic Programme (DPP), through a two-year year Higher NITEC programme at the ITE. For those who are not so theory-inclined, but are very hands-on and learn better through practical routines, then this could be a better option for you.

Don't decide, against your own conscience, to stay on to do your 'O' levels just to conform to old mindsets. Sec 5 will be a struggle and you will hate yourself for making the wrong decisions. You can still get to university in the future through your polytechnics.

At this age, it is difficult to know or understand what you really want to do with your life. The more reason to take this next decision more seriously.



The writer, Faith, wishes parents will stop pressuring their children to do their 'O' levels, knowing that it'll be a struggle.





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