Recently, an image of Sheng Shiong supermarket banning the sale of Haagen-Daz rum and raisin ice cream went viral again. This is the second time that such an image was subject to netizen backlash, with the majority not being able to fathom the reasons for such a ridiculous ban. 

Technically, the alcohol content in the ice cream may be above the permissible sales limit but by using simple logic, who on the hunt for alcoholic high would buy tubs of expensive alcoholic ice cream to get this high? 

Instead of an alcohol high, the person would most likely become diabetic before the high kicks in. This is just another example of the authorities or supermarket blindly implementing rules in a rigid senseless manner. 

Why can't more common sense prevail among those in power in Singapore? Prominent radio deejays The Muttons did a test on the air and verified that after eating 2 tubs of rum and raisin ice cream, they did not get a high. With such a conclusive experiment, can't the authorities make changes so they stop looking like the idiots they are now? 

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