Ex-NMP Calvin Cheng admitted in a Facebook post that racism exists in Singapore.


Cheng made the admission on the state of racism and race relations in Singapore, when discussing the brownface ad vs K.Muthusamy music video.

Nevertheless, he remained adamant that Singaporeans were blindly copying the latest trend in the West in what is deemed racists, or offensive. For him, you can't compare the two controversial productions.

What’s the difference between the Mediacorp Ad and the YouTube rap video that K Shanmugan has condemned ?

I don’t think this has been explained clearly.

Let’s try this thought experiment.

Mediacorp Ad : If it was an Indian actor putting on a traditional Chinese outfit and acting as a Chinese, and also a Malay, is this offensive? I don’t think it is.

It may be distasteful to some. But I think the whole ‘brown face’ concept was borrowed blindly from the West. They take offence. So the copycats here think we must also take offence. Why?

YouTube rap video: If it is a Chinese person rapping the same about Indians, would it be offensive? Or Indians rapping the same about Malays?

Undoubtedly so. No argument.

Therefore there is a false equivalence comparing the two.

There is however a greater issue at stake.

Whilst we shouldn’t blindly parrot the West (especially America) whenever they have a new standard of what is racist or offensive, racism does exist in Singapore.

He then urged Singaporeans to appreciate the delicate balance in maintaining racial harmony in Singapore, and play their part to not be complacent, and to continute to be vigilant against any racism.
Cheng is right on the count of racism in Singapore. It does exists. Pure and simple. No arguments about it.
We have been lucky that thus far. But for how long?
Hence the need to continue to police against racism. Any form of racism. Including brownface.
Society will change. As we open ourselves up economically, there will be alterations to our standards of morality, our interpretation of right and wrong. 
Years ago, brownface may have offended some, but wouldn't have been generally regarded as offensive. Times have changed. And Singaporeans change . 
The government has to acknowledge and accept that. 

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