For those of us regular users of private hire services, be prepared for some bad news ahead. Grab have announced that they will not go into a price war with new entrance Gojek, despite many hoping that with a new rival, Grab prices will start to be competitive and attractive to users again.

The company also announced that they will not launch any more discounts on their platforms, which will disappoint many who had hoped that Grab will go back to using discounts to win customers just like when they first entered the market. Instead, Grab will adopt feedback from the public that they should use bigger cars for their services beginning next year. They will also launch a service that will allow pets to be ferried on their cars. 

Grab indicated that from experience, using discounts to attract customers are not worthwhile, as it will not last, and the customers will end up getting angry if the discounts are discontinued. Seems like Grab customers are already angry that discounts are no linger forthcoming.

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