We Singaporeans take pride in our green city. 

Yet, we take this environment for granted.

It takes a lot of resources to continue to keep our country clean. 

So, when people started sharing how this Japanese FT named 'Toshi" was cleaning Singapore's streets out of his own goodwill, there was a collective gasp of disbelief.

This was the exchange between a local, Ivan Choong, who witnessed Toshi cleaning:

I: Hi there, may I ask what you are doing?
T: I'm picking up litter.
I: Oh, but why are you doing that? Do you live around here?
T: No. I am from Japan. But I am here for long time, about 2 months. I stay in hotel. Next week I am going home. I like this place. Very green. Very clean. So I just help to pick up the litter.

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you Toshi. The hero we don't deserve 

What's your excuse for not cleaning up after yourselves?

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