Yet another shopping mall in SG faced failed mechanisms in the building, after the much publicised waterfall at the new Jewel in Changi. This time, some Tampines One shoppers had the shock of their lives when the bottom steps of a moving escalator collapsed.

The incident happened on Saturday evening, and four people had actually just boarded the escalator when the collapse happened. It was understood that fortunately, no one was injured, and the whole area had been cordoned off. The incident happened between the descending escalator at the third to the second floor of the mall. Eye witnesses said they heard loud sounds from the escalator, before the bottom steps broke apart. The four people luckily reacted quickly to press the emergency button, with serious injuries diverted. 

It was also understood that the police and SCDF were not activated, and as of Sunday evening, the escalator was still having repairs. One wonders what is happening to Singapore's malls, facing one breakdown after another. 

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