Nobody collects cardboard as a past-time. Old Mdm Neo pulls herself up to collect cardboards everyday to feed herself and her intellectually-disabled son. She only gets half a cent for every kilogram of cardboards collected.

She receives $150 worth of help from Government agencies but that is seriously not enough. She already skips breakfast everyday and can barely afford to have two meals a day. If she has rice for lunch, she will just have bread for dinner. She does not just buy bread - she gets leftovers from a bakery she frequents.

Mdm Neo desperately needs help as she has arthritis. She can no longer have the energy to go out to exercise collect cardboards. Her son, who also has a skin condition that requires regular medication, is on the brink of being left alone. Amidst all this, they have not received additional help from any agency.

"Their utility bills are stacking up and the troubles for Mdm Neo sees to no end until she is contemplating negative solutions to end her life and stop her sufferings once and for all."

The average Singaporean fully understands the difficulties of coping with the high costs of living but Mdm Neo must be having it much, much worse. Let's help Mdm Neo and her son by contributing via the author below.

Fuck the agencies. Singaporeans will continue to defend and help Singaporeans.

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