Why was Ramli Sarip's rendition of 'Majulah Singapura' criticized?

Ramli Sarip, also known as 'Papa Rock' to the Malay community in Singapore and Malaysia, appeared in the NDP 2019 Theme Song - Our Singapore official music video.

Some netizens then took to the internet to give some nasty comments.



There was even a thread on Reddit that talked about how the rendition has gone against the National Anthem Act.



Luckily there were some people that defended Ramli Sarip.





If you could recall, Singaporean jazz singer, Rani Singam, lead the singing of Singapore's national anthem at the National Day Parade, 'live' at the Marina Bay Floating Platform on 9 August 2013.

She gave her on rendition of "Majulah Singapura'.

So how come her rendition was accepted back then? And why not this year's?

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