Some Ang Mo Kio residents would not be receiving some of their letters anytime soon, as a reseident have found some 30 - 40 unopened letters dumped inside a rubbish bin. The unopened letters includes official letters from Government bodies, and a package that appeared to consist of goods. 

According to the person who posted the find online, this was not the first time letters and parcels from SingPost have been found in the rubbish bin in Ang Mo Kio. The person also indicated that the thrown letters consisted of letters from LTA and CHAS, as well as an unopened parcel. SingPost quickly responded to the incident, asking for the location of where the letters were found, and indicating that they will be investigating the incident. 

This followed soon after SingPost had issued an apology on January 14 for its lack of service standards. SingPost might have to apologize again. 

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