So a bus driver of service 59 imparted a very useful life lesson to a young netizen while the netizen was on his way to work. This lesson was so profound that the netizen shared it on his social media. Now, we're sharing it with you. 

Don't forget where you come from. 

The day started as usual for the netizen until he boarded the said bus (registration number SG3017X) to work.

Instead of moving off from the bus stop as usual, on this day, the bus driver inched forward, stopped his bus, and threw out a packet of bread to some construction workers who were laying cables, before starting off on the journey again.

Out of curiosity, the netizen approached the driver to ask him about what he did.

That's when the driver revealed that he had previously started out as a construction worker when he was still in his early 20s. It was then when he received an advice from a foreign supervisor from India whom he would never forget. The supervisor questioned the bus-uncle's decision to work in the construction industry due to his young age, encouraging the then-young man to pick up other skills to enable him to earn more money.

The driver never forgot the advice.

Him giving the construction workers the bread was a way of reminding himself of where he came from, of his roots.

Parents spend their time and money to ensure that their children do well in school but it is precious life lessons like these that needs to be inculcated among the young. By teaching our children the right values, they will grow up to be responsible adults who can be trusted to make responsible decisions in the future.

Thank you uncle for that pearl of wisdom.

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