Police have confirmed that the Maserati driver, who has been in the news lately for his reckless behaviour in trying to overtake a lorry, and subsequently failing and mounting a kern on the other side of the road, have been arrested.

The driver of the Maserati with plate number SKK 9192 G had sped forward after mounting the kerb, to overtake the lorry and forced it to stop by doing a police style block. In doing so, the Maserati ignored oncoming traffic that had the right of way, since he was in the wrong lane. Police confirmed that a man, aged 49, was arrested in connection with the case. 

Police investigations are ongoing. Apparently, this was not the first time the same Maserati was involved in such a case. The same Maserati had also been caught on video tailgating a car, before eventually overtaking in a merging lane.Yet another incident showed the same Maserati honking a bike from behind before overtaking it. 

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