An NUS Law graduate had been strike off the rolls after she was found out doctoring her grades to apply for jobs. Jaya Anil Kumar had doctored her NUS degree certificate and transcripts using Microsoft Paint to make it look like she had way better grades than her actual ones.

She had graduated from NUS in 2011 with Second Class Lower Honours, and was called to the Bar in 2012. In 2013, while applying to join the Legal Service Commision, she falsified her grades. She actually managed to score an interview with the falsified grades, but failed to land a job. In 2016, she tried again, with the same falsified degree and transcripts. During the interview process, the interviewer at the Commission had asked for her consent to request her class and percentile ranking from NUS. She refused flatly. This aroused suspicions, and her deception was eventually found out.

For her acts, she had already been fined $10,000 in January 2018 for falsifying her documents, and fined another $5,000 in costs and disbursements to the Law Society. She was also struck off from the roll. 

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