Li Ruifang, a 3rd generation hawker university graduate who left her office job to sell run a branch of the famous Whampoa Prawn Mee to ensure the family recipe doesn't die lashed out on a Facebook post on people who complain that her bowl of $4 prawn mee is too expensive. She mentioned that the costs of utilities as well as conservancy charges are rising. 

Do you think what she said is true? Should we all stop complaining about the rising cost of food at our hawkers? You can read her full post below:

"Rant of the day:

You know what irks me??
Edited so as not to offend smokers only ??(Max Yeo) People who smokes, drinks, willing to splurge on cars, holidays and complain that my $4 prawn noodles is expensive.

C’mon, we have to wake up early to prepare this bowl of prawn noodles with prawns and pork ONLY ?

And to the social enterprise who want us hawkers to sell cheap, why should we think of the less fortunate? Isn’t it the government who are supposed to help them?

I have a family to feed.
I have to pay 5 employees ( including myself) 
I’m not here to do charity.

Don’t get me wrong, I still collect $3 from those cleaners. I still give out free noodles for a man who’s on wheelchair and ask for free food. 
But it’s not feasible for us to sell cheap to help these people right? How about us?

Food cost are rising.
Water/electrical bills are rising.
Conservancy charges has increased from $150 to $210 over this 4 years that I’m at Tekka.

So my point is, please appreciate hawkers more. 
Please don’t take advantages of us.
Take what you can finish and prevent wastage.

Thank you."

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