A post that was shared by a netizen about his ex-army friend has gone viral, describing how a once healthy father of three young kids was suddenly plunged into a world of hardship, as he was left jobless for a year after suffering debilitating pain from a minor stroke.

The man, named as Sumantrie, was also forced to pull out his three kids from school as the family had outstanding school fees that accumulated as the family cannot afford to pay them. The story goes that Sumantrie, who is in his mid-30s, suffered a minor stroke while working as a container specialist in 2017. He is married with kids aged 7 years old, 5 years old and 4 years old. The stroke left Sumantrie with the right side of his body suffering nerves damage, which makes it difficult for him to move and he has no strength on the right side of his body. He had also lost weight from a quite hefty 87kg to 42kg. 

Sumantrie was asked to leave his job due to poor attendance and multiple MCs, even though he had completed all the tasks given to him. His monthly incentives was also put on hold and never paid put to him. He has since been left jobless, and the family gets by with help from family members and friends.

The post also stated that they had approached their MP and government agencies for help, but is still awaiting the assistance. 

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