This is not just a typical complaint. A Singaporean man was disappointed with an insurance company for rejecting his claim. He had an unforeseen situation in which his 1-year-old daughter was in danger and was angry at his insurance company for turning a blind eye. 

The story goes like this: He woke up in the morning only to find that his baby daughter was not at home. After a while, he realised that his maid had unintentionally and unexpectedly brought the baby down to the car. When he went downstairs to find her, he found out that the baby had locked herself in, with the key, by accident and has been stuck in the motionless car for 30 minutes.

Worried that her life is in danger due to the lack of oxygen, he panicked and tried, to no avail, to get his daughter out of the car. The baby was clearly distressed and crying. 

His wife had called the SCDF almost immediately but the couple was still panicking over their daughter's safety. They eventually decided to smash the window to save their child before the SCDF or police arrived. 

They then sought a claim with their insurance company but was disappointed when they were turned down. According to the father, they were not unhappy because their claim was rejected but mostly because the company was very indifferent to their plight. 

Despite showing some compassion, the insurance company kept asking about the necessity of smashing the car window and why they did not wait for help to arrive. Here's their reply:

I have sought an appeal for your exceptional circumstances of the incident. We regret to inform you that our management has rejected this claim.

The rejection is based on the following, which can be found in your policy:

Under General exceptions:
“(8) Any accident, injury, loss or damage caused by you or your authorized driver’s wilful act, wilful negligence or collusion.”

Under General conditions:
“(3) Your duty to prevent loss or damage: You shall at all times take all reasonable steps to safeguard your car, your personal belongings and your ignition keys from loss or damage.”

The father was annoyed as given the severity of the situation, he thinks it is common sense to do whatever it takes to save their child. He said:

"Even SCDF commented that what I did was right and not wait for them to arrive as they would also require to smash the window in the end to save the kid too as we do not have a spare key."

Nevermind the claim, should the company have shown more sincerity and compassion to the desperate parent? Why are these values lost in our society today? 

Thank goodness the baby is now safe. It must have been a traumatising experience for both the child and her parents.

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