Author of the book Crazy Rich Asians which was adapted into a box office hit, Kevin Kwan, is wanted by Singapore for failing to register for NS in 1990. Kevin Kwan is a Singaporean born author who moved to the United States at the age of 11. Kevin Kwan later applied to renounce his citizenship twice, but was rejected due to not serving NS. 

Kevin Kwan could be facing three years of jail if he returns to Singapore. MINDEF claims that they have sent letters to his overseas address. But he has still failed to register for NS. MINDEF also claimed that he also didn't have the right permit for a long term stay overseas. 

Kevin Kwan has yet to make a response to MINDEF's statements. 

Citizens who avoid NS by moving overseas can face charges under the Enlistment Act which includes penalties such as fines of up to S$10,000 and imprisonment of up to three years if they ever return to Singapore.

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