How much do parents trust local kindergartens to take care of their children? Is it a must for teachers to be watching them all the time?

A helpless mother posted on social media about her daughter's bad fall at the kindergarten. According to her account, the teachers claimed that the child had fallen from a chair and grazed her left cheek. They made it seem like it was no big deal.

When she asked if her child was hurt anywhere on the head, the teachers confidently said no.

It was only after they reached home did she realise that her daughter's ear was badly bruised.

Shocked, she brought her daughter to the clinic and demanded an explanation from the kindergarten. She also asked the school to check its CCTV footage.

"They have checked the cctv and suspect that she fell outside shower area as opposed to earlier story whereby they claimed that she had merely fell and grazed the table. There was no teacher supervising the kids outside the shower area - all the teachers (only 2 of them) were in the toilet. no one saw anything and no one can tell me exactly what happened because there was no cctv outside the shower area. The school has admitted it was negligence on their side."

It is one thing to be away from the child for a moment but another to claim that it was not a big deal when the bruise is serious. While Singaporeans understand that kindergarten teachers do not have an easy job, why can't they adopt a better way of handling these matters? Is their attitude acceptable?

If every negligence is forgiven, how do they expect parents to trust them with their children anymore?


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