To repeal or not to repeal? That is the question. 

The latest hoo-ha regarding S377A involves a police report against a blog post on The blog responded to Prof Tommy Koh's comments on the issue by claiming that most Singaporeans are against homosexuality. It saw a need for a law like S377A to "police morality".

"So, the repeal activists want is for us to gamble the future of our society just to impress some Western liberals that we are 'progressive'... It would be wholly irresponsible to risk that progress by indulging in social experimentation to appease the whims of a very tiny minority".

Judging from how narrow-minded the author sounds, it is no surprise that many people are unhappy. Facebook user Raymond Ng lodged a police report against the blog for spreading fake news and "also Sedition, aiming to convert our secular democratic society to a theocratic society.

That cowardly author did not leave a name. Hopefully the Singapore Police Force would be able to investigate".

So drama. To repeal or not to repeal? There is no answer.


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