Benjamin Pwee has quit the Democratic Progressive Party after leading it for 6 years. He left the political party for a "much more longstanding, recognisable and credible senior leader". 

Although he did not reveal much, Pwee said that the party he is joining is a key leader in the coalition. People are speculating that he could be joining hands with Tan Cheng Bock, who recently announced his application for a new political party called Progress Singapore Party. 

Pwee decided to leave because he knew that a small party like DPP will not have enough effectiveness. Around 5 other DPP members will also resign and join him. 

Given this reorganisation and SDP's campaign kick-off, is it safe to say that the General Elections is around the corner? Will more capable opposition politicians join in the coalition to fight for Singaporeans? 

Nothing is for sure but something is brewing and it may well be some good news.

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