An NUS student who had filmed children in a toilet back in 2015 had his charges withdrawn by the Police. Police confirmed that the man was initially charged but the charges were later withdrawn under the direction of the Attorney-General's Chambers (AGC).

This case was highlighted as part of the fallout of the NUS and Police / AGC action in the Monica Baey case, where it was discovered that this particular student was given a 24 month conditional warning. it transpired from the documents obtained for this case that the NUS student had filmed children in the adjacent toilet cubicle on multiple occasions. The location of the offences was not made known in the document, although it did not happen on NUS campus, but in a shopping mall toilet. 

Police clarified that the NUS student was charged with a total of five counts of offences, but charges were dropped by AGC as the student had sought treatment at the IMH. Police said their reasons for the charges being dropped was that the student needed mental treatment, and sending him to prison would not be helpful. The student also had no prior convictions. The student has since completed his 24 month conditional warning period without re-offending. 

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