Singaporeans are in for the very long-running familee drama again. Lee Hsien Yang has responded to news of his wife, Lee Suet Fern and her possible misconduct in preparing Lee Kuan Yew's will.

In a Facebook post on 7 Jan 2019, he said that his wife was never Lee Kuan Yew's lawyer. LKY's will was always completed and kept with his lawyers at Lee & Lee, who have been his lawyers since the first will in 1995. 

Furthermore, nobody has complained about LKY's first will even though it was drafted by his wife, Kwa Geok Choo, who was then the principal beneficiary. So why find fault with it now?

"No one has complained from the outset on the process and circumstances of our father’s signing his final will - not Lee Kuan Yew, not his estate which stands in his shoes after his death, not any of the beneficiaries, including Lee Hsien Loong, who was advised by Lucien Wong, now AG. The will was proven in court in 2015 with no issues raised; all parties have acted in accordance with the will since then."

Should AGC release the full correspondence? Why are they rushing the case and wasting so much public resources on a private matter when it did not give them any problem after so many years? How will this make Singapore look to the rest of the world? What do they take Singaporeans for?



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