Speaker of Parliament, Tan Chuan-Jin, got unexpectedly dragged into Malaysia's internal politics during his official visit to Malaysia's Lower House of Parliament while it was in session.

Tan and his delegation was there on a three day visit to meet Malaysian leaders and was in the Malaysian Parliament to observe an ongoing session. That was when the announcement of Selangor UMNO MP Noh Omar receiving a three-day suspension was made. Noh said that he was not aware of this, as the suspension was made when he was not present to defend himself. He called this unfair, and turning his attention to the visiting Singapore delegates, he asked the Speaker of Parliament if he ever suspended anyone from Singapore's Parliament before.

Tan's reaction was not recorded, nor were any answers given. It was assumed that if he had to answer this question, then his reply would probably be the MPs normally would absent themselves from Parliament without the need for any suspension. 

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