Yesterday, some local groups and activists sent a petition to our Mdm President Halimah Yacob to seek clemency for death row inmate Prabu Pathmanathan. Prabu was convicted last year for drug offences and despite pleas for leniency, was executed at dawn today. 

Some Singaporean activists were disappointed that the legal system neglected Prabu's family. His mother, who lives in Malaysia, was only aware of his death row last week as his family could not bear to break the news. 

For that, Singapore has attracted international attention for the wrong reasons. The UN Human Rights' Facebook has just released a statement which condemns Prabu's execution and most importantly, the alleged increase in executions here. It said that the death penalty should only be for the "most serious of crimes" and urged the Singapore Government to abolish death penalty immediately.

Should we really abolish it for good? Will there be a difference in the number of drug-related offences? Perhaps it still needs more thought, but for some angry Singaporeans, they are not going to take this lying down:

"Dear Singapore,

The longer I stay and try to create a life for myself here, the more I feel that slowly you are becoming a disgust to me. Like an almost rotten pile of food that I try so hard to swallow but I cannot.

Dear Singapore,

The words I say or write carries no weight but it’s the same for the President. Why then, have the president’s clemency when she has to seek approval or in your stupid law terms advise from the cabinet.

Dear Singapore,

It is truly with disgust that I accept that the ruling party is nothing but a bunch of idiots who just wants to feed themselves full. And that the president is nothing but a useless photo figure in government buildings.

I have wasted a decade of my life believing that I can make a change in lives of beautiful souls yet time and again, I am proven wrong.

Dear Singapore,

Enough is enough. You are not God. And I pray, so hard, that one day, something so terrible happens to this government that it will shake and break them into pieces.

Dear Singapore,



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