On its Facebook page, Singapore Post (SingPost), strongly refuted claims of religious discrimination by an ex-employee.

In a now-removed Facebook post, the ex-employee, among others, alleged that her husband had been unfairly dismissed on religious grounds. This was purportedly due to him having to go to the mosque for evening prayers.

SingPost disputed the allegations, saying that it does not practice religious discrimination and that in fact, it has in place numerous policies to allow its employees to practice their faith.and workplace safety-related breaches.

Attempting to set the record straight, SingPost shared that the husband was dismissed due to "several serious work lapses made over the past months, including compromising mail security and safety-related breaches". 

The worker in question was given a final-warning in July, after several rounds of counselllings and verbal warnings.

So who is in the right?

This is something that the Manpower Ministry (MOM) must look into.

Although, SingPost has gone on public record with the reasons behind the dismissal, the public, regardless of their religious backgrounds, deserve to know that no such religious discrimination took place.

Racial and religious harmony is precious. 

All of us need to play our part to preserve it. If the allegations were indeed baseless, ex-employees need to be held responsible for their actions.



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