Social Media Strategist, Levan Wee, shared pictures of an email to a old secondary school teacher of his. Years ago, this particular secondary school teacher made a comment to Wee that made him remember the teacher for life. 

Wee has albinism, mainly characterized in humans by the complete or partial absence of pigment in the skin, hair and eyes. Due to this condition, the teacher in question made a remark which showed that he was looking down on Wee. The incident stuck with Wee all his life and he decided to make the best out of his life to prove the teacher wrong. You can read the email here:

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It's great to see that he did not let that comment bring him down, but instead, making him live his life to his fullest potential.

That teacher might have not been the best, but at the end of the day, but it still encouraged him to do more with his life.

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