A house is not a home. What is Singapore to you? A house or a mere home?

During the National Day Rally (NDR), Lee Hsien Loong (LHL), announced the increase in the official retirement age in Singapore. By 2030, the offiial retirement age will be 65.

The rationale for the change is to enable older Singaporeans to remain financially independent.

What they forget is that elderly Singaporeans, if they were financially independent, and had a choice, wouldn't want to stay employed for the majority of their lives.

Taking a well-deserved break and spending time with hobbies, family, friends, and other activities, is something they aspire to. With these changes, they may not be able to achieve these aspirations.

For the PAP, such aspirations will only contribute to unproductive idling.

However, do we have to be thinking about our economic productivity in our old age? 

When you reach old age, productivity can mean very different things. It can mean spending quality time with the grandchildren exploring walking trails in Singapore.

A home is more than a place. A home has memories and meanings.

Where will you create the memories if you only have enough time to work?

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