Local independent film-maker, Martyn See, raised several pointed questions on the classification of a short video produced by Mothership.sg that featured a PAP politician, Dr Janil Puthucheary (JP). The video concerned was titled "Things you didn't know you had to ask the Senior Minister of State for Transport". It featured JP in his capacity as the SMS for MoT.

In dicussing transport issues, the video concerned also touched on JP's background, painting him as an average Singaporean, and also a relatable politician.

See has sought clarification from Infocomm and Media Development Authority (IMDA) regarding the classification of the video. As this was not a video produced by the government, technically, the video then does not qualify for exemption under the Section 40 of the Film Act. Section 33 of the said Act criminialises the production exhibition and production of party political films (PPF).


For See, the video clearly contained "biased political matter, a political person promoting a political issue, party logos, unscripted dialogue, graphics and animation".

He thus questioned if the video had been submitted for classification and if so, to diclose and explain the classification it received or would receive.

This is a critical issue that requires clarity from IMDA.

It would enable Singaporeans to obtain a better understanding on what constitues a PPF so that they don't run foul of the law. 

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