On 29 Apr 2019, only need small space to have sex minister Josephine Teo released her May Day message. In her message, she mentioned that the tripartite workgroup has reached a consensus to raise the retirement age beyond 62 and re-employment age to beyond 67.

Josephine Teo claims that this is a 'significant milestone' that will provide assurance to seniors who wish to continue working. 

How many of you actually wish to continue working at that old age? Wouldn't we want to enjoy our retirement earlier? The only reason why people need to work at an older age is because of the rising costs in Singapore which is also caused by our Government. They raise the costs, citizens suffer, they tell the citizens that things can get better if we continue working.

Is this what we really want? How many of us are already tired after years of working but have no choice but to do so?

As a netizen Melvin Tan put it in his meme, 'while WP uses #workersforlife to show solidarity with workers, PAP takes #workersforlife literally by raising the retirement age and work us for life".

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