A woman cyclist nearly lost her life after she was hit from behind by a taxi along Braddell Road. The accident happened on March 10, and left the cyclist with a fractured skull.

The woman cyclist, Lynette Ngo was out cycling with her husband, who happened to be an Honorary President of the Singapore Cycling Federation, when the accident happened. The husband, Hing Siong Chen, on hearing the loud crash turned around and saw his wife lying motionless on the road, with blood trickling out from her ears, forming a pool around her head. Ngo was rushed to hospital, where she spent two days in the high dependency ward. She was found to have suffered a broken collarbone, five broken ribs, a collapsed lung, nerve damage in her right eye, as well as partial hearing loss on her right ear, apart from the fractured skull. 

The taxi driver, a 57 year old woman, have been arrested for causing grievous hurt by negligent act.

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