A Malay lady by the name of Puteri Nursuhana showed who was the bigger person on her journey in the MRT.

As a disabled and wheelchair bound person, she instinctively went to the section of the train where there is a dedicatated space for disabled people.

Puteri who is diagnosed with cerebral palsy has been said to be looking after her two elderly parents, does some baking, and sells at popup booths as a source of income.

It was unlucky that when she was on the train, there was no one around to stand up for her. 

What happened was as she was going in, she saw a man with his PMD parked at the disabled person space.

She did ask the man to give up the space to her, but the man chose to ignore her.

In the end she gave in to the man and took to Facebook to ask whether the man's action was "proper".

Why can't normal people just be understanding and be kind to the less fortunate?


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