The recent case of food poisoning that made 49 people ill and caused 21 people to be hospitalised, is more serious than first feared. The restaurant, Spize had supplied 88 bento sets for a company's Deepavali party, but reports now indicated that one of those who consumed the food, is in a critical condition in the ICU.

The man had not been identified, but according to reports, he was a SATS officer who was deployed to Brink's Singapore, who held the celebration on their premises. The officer is understood to have his lungs and kidney affected. 

The NEA, MOH and AVA had issued a joint statement last Friday that investigations into the case of food poisoning is currently ongoing, and that the restaurant is now suspended until NEA is satisfied that the public health risk have been addressed. The co-owner of Spize had written a Facebook post apologizing to all its customers, and seek their understanding and patient as they try to resolve the issue. 

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