People's Voice Party was started by lawyer Lim Tean. Brad Bowyer joined Lim Tean very early on and has stayed until today when he made a Facebook post on his page. In his post, Brad mentioned that he does not have any direct associations with People's Voice Party since 24 March and wished Lim Tean and his team all the best and thanked them for all the friendship and experiences. 

He did not cite any reasons for leaving the party. However, he did mention that he was on a road to recovery for his health issues. He also did not make many mention on what he will do next to help serve Singapore. 

Netizens tried digging reasons for his departure but Brad did not take the bait. We wish him all the best and hopes that his health issues will be gone in the near future! 

You can read his full post here:

For those who have questioned my recent change of banner and a few other signs I wish to confirm that yes, Since Sunday 24th March, I no longer have any direct association with Peoples Voice.

It has been an interesting 2-year experience as I contributed to Lim Tean and team where I could as he developed his party. The road has had its ups and downs as I had my own health battles to deal with but now, I am fully on the road to recovery, it has become clear that the next stage of my serving Singapore will likely lay on another path.

I do not yet know exactly where this may be, but while it is emerging, I will continue to research and write my commentary on this Facebook Page, put out my weekly Brads Bites Podcast and support alternative views where I can until the new path is before me.

I look forward to receiving good council from all those concerned as to what that new route may entail and the choices I should finally make.

I wish Lim Tean and his team all the best as they go about serving Singapore in the way they feel is right and thank them for the friendship and experiences I was afforded during our journey together.

At the end of the day we cannot always choose how we are called to serve but must accept the role that fate and the majority have dealt us to play and I feel in my heart my role now lies elsewhere.

Thank you everyone for your understanding and continued support in this time of change and learning.

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