The video that was posted online that shows a man slapping a girl as she was kneeling at a carpark has gone viral, and it has got Singaporeans angry. Both the Police and Ministry of of Social and Family Development (MSF) have confirmed that members of the public have made reported the incident to them.

In the video, the girl, who was probably of primary school age, was seen kneeling next to a white car, which was parked at a carpark, most likely that of Ikea Tampines. A man, who seemed to be her father, was seen giving her a slap so hard that it could be heard on video. The force of the slap makes the girl's head snap back and she almost loses her balance. More alarmingly, the girl remained still during the incident, and child psychologist said that this points to the fact that this would not have been the first time the girl had such punishment meted to her. 

Police and MSF both said that they are investigating the incident. 

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