Vet nurses from a local vet clinic was caught on camera for mocking a cat with no ears and also playing/juggling with castrated dog testicles.Well they weren't exactly caught on camera since they filmed it themselves and posted it on their social media. 

They posted the videos on their Instagram, Insta story. They were seen in the stories bouncing testicles from a castrated dog as well as juggling with them. There was also another video of them trying to make loud noises around a cat with no ears to see if it can hear them (obviously not, it has no ears). You can watch one of her videos here (not for the squeamish):

Ohana Vetcare has since terminated these nurses as they should. You can read their statement here:

Such cruel people should not be working in a clinic. The video has since gone viral. We hope that the girls have learnt their lessons. 

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