Holidays usually means kicking back and enjoying at least a week of fun and relaxation. That's not what happened to a Singaporean couple who was holidaying in Bali. 

What was supposed to be a relaxing holiday in Bali for Mr Eugene Aathar and his wife Ms Dolly Ho were shattered when they were travelling back to their villa on their rented scooter early on Monday morning. They were robbed by 2 men on a motorcycle, who had snatched Ms Ho's phone and kicked their scooter down. Ms Ho was using her phone to navigate their way back to the villa. Mr Aathar sustained minor injuries from the fall but Ms Ho fractured her shoulder, suffered a minor concussion and memory loss from the fall.

To make matters worse, insted of helping, one onlooker rushed to the fallen scooter, and rode off with it. And to compound matters, the villa, where the scooter was rented from, asked the couple to pay around 250 million rupiah (S$23,700) to cover the loss. They reportedly even sent staff to harass the couple on their hospital beds. In the end, Mr Aathar paid them 12 million rupiah (S$1,100).

Both the husband and wife got their insurers to arrange for a doctor to accompany Ms Ho back to Singapore as she was not yet cleared by doctors to fly on her own, as they don't feel safe being in Bali anymore. Ms Ho is now recuperating at the NUH. 

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