A young man, probably after a night out during the Labour Day holiday drinking with his buddies, was caught on a taxi dash cam standing on the road while cars are zipping by. As he was in direct line of the taxi's travelling path, the taxi driver honked at the man to get out of the way.

A natural reaction to most people would be to get out of the way pronto from the path of an oncoming vehicle. But obviously not this young dude. Thinking he was invincible like Captain America, he stood his ground, and when the taxi was forced to jam his brakes just inches away from where he was standing, he banged on the hood of the taxi three times. 

The man was with another friend, and his friend tried to calm him down, to no avail. Probably the friend should have told the angry, but stupid young man how close they were to being knocked down and spending time in a hospital bed instead of a comfortable bed at home. Stupidity knows no bounds. 

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