FAS, time to wake up your bloody ideas! For an association crying out for someone to bring back the fans to watch and reconnect with the national team, now that they know all along that man has always been Singapore's favourite football son, they still give him a title as Interim Coach.

Most would say that the name Interim Coach does not mean anything, as the Singapore Lions players still respect and give their full backing to Coach Fandi Ahmad, but please! Interim coach in football denotes a seat warmer, someone who will be there until someone else deemed better by the FAS (usually a foreign coach) is appointed permanently. But, in Fandi Ahmad, the FAS have stumbled upon a bloody good coach, who his players will give everything for, and the fans have the utmost respect and love for. This is the man who already brings so much joy to Singapore football in the last three months as a football coach, compared to the more than three years of Bernd Stange and Sundram led teams of the national team.

Here is a man that is bringing the fans back to the stadium, playing some good football. Singapore might not make it past the group stages in the AFF Suzuki Cup, but Fandi has done more to reignite passion for the national team in his short spell as Interim Coach. Come one FAS, remove that Interim role from Fandi's position already!

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